Athlete alert! Magnesium now available for external use

Anyone who wants to achieve peak athletic performance -- and everyone knows this by now -- can not ignore a magnesium substitution. In principle, this applies to all athletes, but especially to those who require endurance. Whether runners, track and field athletes, or soccer players, everyone can make the most of themselves if the body has enough magnesium.

Woman gets a cramp in her foot while jogging

Increased demand

Through stress, increased muscle activity and accelerated metabolism during sport, the need for magnesium increases significantly. At the same time the body experiences increased magnesium excretion via the kidneys and heavier sweating. Athletes are thus in three ways threatened by a possible magnesium deficiency. Inadequate magnesium supply can quickly lead to a deficiency, which manifests itself in a neuromuscular over-excitability. Leg cramps, rapid fatigue and reduced responsiveness are the first warning signs. In this phase, the susceptibility to injuries, such as muscle fiber tears and strains, increases. In order to achieve top athletic performance, there is no way around optimal magnesium supply. Sufficient magnesium prevents muscle spasms, reduces lactic acid, protects against injuries and at the same time increases endurance.

Magnesium through the skin

With transdermal magnesium application, or absorption through the skin, depleted magnesium can be replenished quickly and effectively. On the one hand, this new form of application is as easy to manage as oral magnesium intake, but the effect is more reliable and higher because the digestive system is bypassed. All associated problems, such as poor absorption or diarrhea at higher doses, are eliminated with transdermal use. In addition, it can be sprayed and massaged directly into the place of action. This new dosage form, known as magnesium oil, is not ingested but sprayed directly onto the skin, where it is quickly absorbed and absorbed into the cells. Magnesium oil is a highly saturated magnesium chloride solution that feels oily due to its high degree of saturation, but is not oil in the true sense of the word. In 2005, American physician Norman Shealy found in a study that a massive intracellular magnesium deficiency with transdermal magnesium treatment can be normalized within four to six weeks. With a corresponding oral magnesium substitution, six to twelve months are necessary.

Application of magnesium oil

Typically you spray 5 to 10 times twice a day on the skin and rub it in gently. This is about one milliliter. One milliliter of concentrated magnesium chloride solution contains 103 mg of elemental magnesium. With higher demand, the application can be increased as desired. An overdose is not expected, because the body simply does not absorb magnesium when saturated. Experience has shown that arms and shoulders are best suited for daily use. However, the oil can also be applied to the thighs or stomach. For athletes, the application of magnesium oil directly to the stressed muscle areas has proven to be effective if muscle aches or cramps occur during training or competition. After training or competition, a magnesium bath is recommended. In this way, magnesium is absorbed throughout the body, thus ensuring rapid regeneration. The temperature of the water should be about 37 degrees C (98.6 degrees F), the magnesium concentration about one percent and the bath time about 20 minutes. A magnesium bath is particularly effective against strained, over-acidic and painful muscles. In addition, the regeneration process is accelerated and lost magnesium is quickly replaced.


A transdermal magnesium application can replace or supplement an oral application. It offers many advantages over conventional oral administration with tablets or granules:

- Free from resorption problems in the gastrointestinal tract

- Dosage according to individual requirements possible

- Free from dose-related side effects, such as diarrhea

- Faster efficacy

- Direct application to problem zones possible

- Does not have to be ingested

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