Intelligent food : A new review of our food

In recent years, nutritional science has succeeded in identifying a number of valid and easy-to-understand value standards that characterise food as intelligent.

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Changed valuation standards

Whereas the calorie and fat content of foods used to be the focus of previous health-related tables, these are micronutrients such as minerals, trace elements and vitamins, the base content or the antioxidant effects of individual foods, that protect our cells from harmful by-products of our metabolism or the environment.

In total, there are six influencing factors that make a food really healthy. They indicate how valuable a food is for your daily diet and what rank it occupies within a food group. Specifically, these are the following metrics in no particular loose order. [Nbsp]

1) The glycemic index (GI). The value of the glycemic index indicates how much the insulin level rises after ingestion of a particular food.

2) Omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids belong to the group of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive influence on blood lipids and blood vessels.

3) Vitamins. Vitamins are essential fat- or water-soluble substances whose presence in foods is also determined by their degree of freshness.

4) ORCA value. The ORCA (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value indicates the antioxidant capacity of a foodstuff and is a yardstick for protection against free radicals.

5) Minerals. Minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium, but also trace elements such as iron, manganese and zinc, are essential inorganic nutrients.

6) PRAL value. The PRAL value, or "Potential Renal Acid Load", indicates the potential acid load of the kidneys from a foodstuff and thus the effect on the acid-base balance.

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