Eat Intelligently and Lose Weight

Have you already tried a number of diets and find you always end up back at your original weight? Are you tired of having to eat according to "low-fun" recipes, where the joy of eating is already lost during preparation? Are you tired of counting points and calories and do you finally want to lose weight without giving up the joy of eating?

Then you feel like most people who want to lose weight. With weight-loss diets you can reduce weight in the short term, but the diets do not have a long-lasting effect.

The future belongs to intelligent eating and weight loss

In recent years, much research has been done in the field of nutritional medicine, giving us important insights into weight loss and obesity prevention.

Admittedly, even with intelligent eating and weight loss, one must have the will to change and that requires energy. You can't just eat a burger and a Coke spontaneously at the next stop, you have to think about it: What will I eat? This change becomes easier if you can eat as much as you like, if the food tastes good, and if you feel healthy and fit afterwards. And a few cheats must also be possible.

Nevertheless, it does require energy to drop old eating patterns and adopt new eating behaviors. The good news is that after about four to six weeks, the brain turns a new behavior into a habit. If you can keep up this time, you have done it.

So you can eat intelligently and lose weight:

Keep at least 5 hours between meals.

Blood insulin levels rise at every meal. Yet the body can only burn fat when insulin levels are low. Eating and losing weight intelligently means putting about 5 hours between meals so that the body returns to an insulin level at which fat burning is possible.

Choose foods with low energy density to eat your fill

The lower the energy density of a food, the more of it you can eat. Satiety is related to volume, not calories. To reach satiety, the body needs about 350 g (12 ounces) to 500 g (18 ounces) per meal. As an example, 100 g (4 ounces) of vegetables have just 15 calories, lean meat about 100 calories. On the other hand, 100 g (4 ounces) of chocolate have 550 calories. To eat and lose weight intelligently means to use this information to eat enough and still lose weight.

Eat according to your metabolic type

Not all foods are equally healthy and digestible for everyone. It depends also on the type of metabolism to which you belong. Distinctions here is made among the carbohydrate type, the protein type and the mixed type. Eating and losing weight intelligently means knowing which type of metabolism you belong to and then putting together your diet. Normal-weight people can also benefit from this understanding metabolism type in order to boost energy and power.

Pay attention to a low glycemic index

The higher the glycemic index of a food, the higher the levels of blood sugar and insulin rise. A high insulin level stops fat burning and at the same time stimulates great hunger. Eating and losing weight intelligently means choosing foods with a low glycemic index, therefore staying full longer and eating less automatically.

Use the night for fat burning

At night, fat burning is in full swing. Eating intelligently means creating good conditions for weight loss: At least three hours should come between the end of the meal and bedtime. It's best to choose foods with protein at dinner as they boost hormone production and fat burning. Foods with a high glycemic index are particularly inadvisable in the evening because they block fat burning for hours.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise is also part of intelligent weight loss. Exercise is most effective before eating, when insulin levels are low. Then the fat cells are open and you can burn fat.