Trace elements
Boron: The hormone generator
Boron plays an important role in the formation of vitamin D and the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Boron also has a positive effect in the treatment of osteoporosis and arthritis.
Boron is found, for example, in leafy vegetables, legumes, raisins and nuts. Exact data on the daily requirement of boron are not available. A boron deficiency is seldom seen, since the supply is sufficient with a normal diet.
Chromium: Blood sugar regulator
Strong nerves, acuity, mental and physical freshness: Chromium is needed for all this. Chromium regulates the flow of blood sugar into the cells, which is particularly important for the brain and nerves, because only sugar can be burned here.
People who suffer from chromium deficiency are constantly tired, distracted, down, restless and nervous. Chromium deficiency also makes us fat, because chromium reduces insulin levels and helps fat cells to burn their contents. Chromium is the secret slimming agent.
Chromium is mainly found in whole grain products, seeds, nuts, natural rice, mushrooms and meat.
Fluorine: Dental protector
Fluorine is important for the strength of bones and teeth. Fluorine also protects teeth against the attack of cavity-causing acids. Fluoride-containing foods include crustaceans, meat and dairy products.
Iron: Oxygen's sibling
Iron carries one of the most important elements on earth: Oxygen. Iron is part of the red blood pigment hemoglobin. Hemoglobin binds the oxygen in the lungs and releases it into the cells. Each blood cell contains about 300 billion hemoglobin molecules and each contains about one billion oxygen molecules. A high hemoglobin level guarantees optimal oxygen supply to the body right down to the last brain cell.
People who complain of constant fatigue may find a low iron level to be the cause. Other consequences of iron deficiency include listlessness, loss of libido, breathing difficulties, pale skin, hair loss and lack of concentration. The biggest enemy of hemoglobin is carbon monoxide, found in car exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke. Hemoglobin binds cigarette smoke 300 times better than oxygen, which is supposed to be transported. This is why even a high hemoglobin level is of no use to smokers.
Good sources of iron include lean meat, fish, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, whole grain products, nuts, soy and apricots.
Iodine: Good for the Thyroid
Iodine is particularly important for the function of the thyroid gland. Germany, for instance, is considered an iodine deficient area: 30 to 40 percent of the population suffer from an iodine deficiency. Iodine is a component of the thyroid hormones and is therefore involved in the regulation of basic metabolism and numerous metabolic processes.
An adequate supply of iodine is particularly necessary for the development and growth of children. Iodine is abundantly contained in seafood and such dairy products such as hard cheese.
Copper: Enzyme component
Copper is an important component of enzymes and is involved, for example, in iron metabolism, in the formation of connective tissue and in the regulation of the immune system.
Copper is found in numerous foods, such as crustaceans, innards, nuts and legumes. A lack of copper is therefore rather rare.
Manganese: The heater
Manganese works in the tiny combustion chambers of the cell, the mitochondria, in which the energy is produced. If the trace element manganese is missing, the number of energy furnaces decreases. Manganese is not only responsible for energy production, but also for the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, for fat utilization and cartilage formation in the joints. Manganese is also essential for the production of the skin pigment melanin and the important nerve irritant dopamine.
Manganese is particularly rich in black tea, nuts and seeds, in whole grain products, natural rice, green vegetables, potatoes and legumes.
Molybdenum: Prevents gout
Molybdenum is contained in three enzymes of our body and regulates, for example, the breakdown of purines (proteins) and sulfurous amino acids.
Molybdenum is found in many foods, such as many vegetables and rice. The adult recommended daily intake is 50 to 100 micrograms of molybdenum.
Selenium: The guardian angel
Selenium is hardly detectable in our soils today. Selenium is one of the strongest antioxidants available to us and therefore plays an important role in cancer prevention and as an anti-aging agent. Selenium also protects against heart attacks. It can renew vitamin E and protects the membrane of the mitochondria, the energy ovens of the cell, from destruction and thus maintains the energy production of the heart muscle cell. Selenium is one of the central protective substances for the immune system and also binds heavy metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury to excrete them from the body.
Natural sources of selenium are whole grain products, natural rice, mushrooms, asparagus, garlic, cheese, eggs, fish and meat.
Vanadium: The blood sugar reducer
Little is known about the function of the trace element vanadium. However, it is assumed that vanadium has an insulin-like effect and thus an influence on the blood sugar level.
For example, vanadium is found in mushrooms, shellfish, parsley and vegetable oils. No deficiency symptoms have been described with vanadium so far, therefore one assumes an adequate supply.
Zinc: The inner fire
Zinc is crucial to the formation of body protein and therefore muscles. In addition, zinc together with protein forms the male sex hormone testosterone. Testosterone not only regulates male potency, but also stands for inner fire, assertiveness and decision-making power, both in men and women. A high zinc level in combination with protein not only provides more potency, but also drives energy, prolongs concentration and strengthens the immune system. Zinc is regarded as a miracle weapon against skin diseases such as eczema of all kinds and at the same time ensures the healthy regeneration of hair, fingernails and toenails.
Zinc is mainly found in oysters, wheat bran, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, lentils, soybeans, cheese and crabs.