Paleo: Stone Age Diet

The Paleo diet, also known as the Stone Age Diet, only allows foods that our Stone Age ancestors could have eaten. It is based on the assumption that our genes have hardly changed since the Stone Age. Therefore -- as its supporters argue -- a Stone Age diet is the only correct form of nutrition. In the Paleo diet, only foods that were available to our ancestors before they settled down are put on the table. That is why milk and cereal products are not permitted, as well as commercially processed food such as ready-made meals, sugar or alcohol.

Instead, the Paleo diet focuses on fresh foods such as fruit, vegetables, eggs, nuts, mushrooms and herbs. Fish and seafood are also allowed. However, the biggest factor in this diet is meat consumption, which is said to have been significantly higher for our ancestors than it is today.

The advantage of the Paleo diet is that no one must eat exotic foods. Many recipes can easily be converted into Paleo recipes by replacing rice or pasta with vegetables. In addition, the Paleo diet cannot result in a lack of nutrients, as the diet is rich in fruit and vegetables.

The disadvantage is that the Paleo diet is difficult for newcomers to follow, as it excludes milk, such cereal products as bread, and many popular foods. In addition, the diet is very time-consuming, as meals must be prepared fresh and from scratch. In addition, the Paleo diet is very expensive because of the reliance on meat, fish and other proteins, which also quickly deliver too much acid to the body. Lastly, our modern meat contains a high proportion of unsaturated fats, which can lead to inflammations and vascular diseases.