Nutrition and Allergies

Nutrition plays a key role in the success of an allergy treatment. This is logical, since allergies originate in the intestine, where our immune system is based and where the body has to deal with a wide variety of food. With proper food choices, we can benefit the quality of our natural intestinal flora and consequently our immune system.

Allergy sufferers should assign great importance to the quality of the food they consume. Fruit, vegetables and salads should come from organic sources; that is, grown as much as possible without chemicals. The motto is: As natural, wholesome and natively grown as possible. This means that local products should get preference, depending on the season. Refined carbohydrates such as household sugar, white flour and alcohol should be avoided as much as possible because of the risk of yeast overload in the intestines. Common allergens such as cow's milk, wheat, eggs, nuts, citrus fruits or kiwi should also be avoided by those with allergies, at least as long as the body is unstable. Of course, those will allergies should avoid any known allergens.

Quality also plays an important role in meat choice. Not only in the appropriate, drug-free feeding and breeding of the animals, but also particularly in the manner the animal is slaughtered. Pigs especially release large amounts of histamine, the substance that causes allergies, due to the stress of a slaughterhouse. For this reason I suggest that allergy sufferers avoid pork as much as possible. Meat should generally not be eaten more than two to three times a week.

Basic foods have in general a favorable effect, because hyperacidity is the cause of many bodily malfunctions. A balanced diet consists of two-thirds basic and one-third acid-forming foods. Basic foods include fruit, vegetables, salads and spelt. In contrast, acid-producing foods include all sweets, cereals (except spelt), meat and sausages, eggs and dairy products, animal fats, coffee, black tea and alcohol. Processed products also pose problems because of hidden allergens in food groups that should be avoided by those with allergies.

When preparing food, use high-quality cold-pressed vegetable oils. Olive oil especially contains a good quantity of anti-inflammatory gamma linolenic acid. For body cleansing and detoxification, ensure sufficient hydration through non-carbonated mineral water. As a rule of thumb, one should drink 30 ml (1 fl oz) of water per kilogram (2.2. pounds) of body weight. So if you weigh 70 kilograms (154 pounds), you should drink 2.1 liters (nearly 9 cups) of water a day.

The Food List for Allergy Sufferers provides more information on the foods that allergy sufferers can and cannot tolerate.