Body Mass Index: BMI

The best known measurement for determining obesity is the body mass index (BMI). It evaluates a person's body weight in relation to his or her height.

Body mass index (BMI) = body weight (kg) : (body height in m) ²

Example: You are 1.70 meters tall (5'6") and weigh 65 kilograms (143 pounds).
Your BMI is: 65 : (1.7 x 1.7) = 22.5

Classification and evaluation of weight groups

Classification BMI (kg/m²) Risk of disease
Underweight < 18.5 heightened
Ideal weight 18.5 – 25.0 average
Overweight 25.1 – 29.9 heightened
Obesity Grade I 30.0 – 34.9 high
Obesity Grade II 35.0 – 39.9 very high
Obesity Grade III above 40.0 extremely high

Please note that very athletic people can have a BMI of around 26 due to increased muscle mass. In this case, there is no excess weight.